A love letter from a stranger

What is this?It's a page where you can order a personalised letter about how great you are, from a total stranger. Give it a try.

Who are you?I'd rather not say, but I have a knack for understanding people. I  will discover some of your hidden awesomeness and share it with you in my letter.

Can I get this for somebody else?Yes! Just put in the details of the other person.

What will you do with my story?I will use it to write your letter, which is private between me and you. I won’t use it for anything else. I promise.

How will I get the letter?By email, as a PDF attachment.

Are the letters handwritten?Are you crazy!?

How much money do you ask for to do this?I love reading personal stories and want to make it accessible so I am asking for just €10, even though each letter takes me about a day to complete.

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